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Frequently Asked Questions · Eye Surgery

What Should I Expect During My LASIK Procedure?

If you are considering LASIK surgery to correct your vision, you are probably wondering what you should expect during your actual LASIK treatment? At LASIK.com, we're here to guide you through the process and ensure you feel confident and informed every step of the way. Understanding what to expect during your LASIK procedure can help ease any concerns and prepare you for a life-changing experience.

If you are considering LASIK surgery to correct your vision, you are probably wondering what you should expect during your actual LASIK treatment? At LASIK.com, we’re here to guide you through the process and ensure you feel confident and informed every step of the way. Understanding what to expect during your LASIK procedure can help ease any concerns and prepare you for a life-changing experience.

LASIK.com Network Surgeon, Dr. Louis Probst is here to walk you through each step of your procedure.

Dr. Louis Probst performs LASIK and PRK out of TLC Laser Eye Centers in Madison, Milwaukee, and Westchester (Chicago)

The LASIK Journey Before Treatment

Initial LASIK Consultation

Your LASIK Journey begins with a comprehensive LASIK consultation with one of your LASIK.com surgeons experienced Optometrists and Medical Team. All LASIK.com network providers offer this consultation free of charge. During this visit, the health of your eye will be assessed, along with your corneal thickness and prescription to determine if you are a medically safe and appropriate candidate for LASIK. The team will also take the time to answer any questions you have about what to expect or your individualized treatment plan. This is the perfect time for you to discuss your vision goals and expectations as well.

    Your Procedure Day

    For most patients, the next step in the process is the actual treatment itself. Upon arrival to the office, the medical team will ensure you are comfortable and as relaxed as possible. It is normal to be nervous, but we assure you with a LASIK.com Network Surgeon, you are in safe hands.

    You will complete your pre-treatment paperwork and some brief re-testing may be done to make sure there haven’t been any changes to the health of your eye. You will go through your post-operative instructions, which include your drop schedule and instructions. Once that is done, you will be escorted to a comfortable waiting area where you and your driver can enjoy some snacks and beverages.

    Shortly after, you will be taken into the laer suite for your laser vision correction procedure, which typically takes less than 10 minutes.

    Once your procedure is completed, your eyes will be given one last check to ensure everything looks good. You will then be walked out to your driver so you can go home and rest your eyes for a few hours.

    Recovery & Follow-Up

    Recovery after LASIK is typically quick and straightforward. Your post-LASIK nap will get you through a majority of any discomfort and when you wake up your vision will already be improved, but your will have an underwater effect as your eyes are still healing. You may experience some tearing and light sensitivity in the first 24-hours, but the symptoms are usually mild and subside after the first day of so. Your vision will continue to improve over the following days and weeks. Many patients experience 20/20 or even 20/10 vision at their follow-up visit within a few days following their treatment.

    Enjoying Your New Vision

    One of the most exciting aspects of LASIK is the alomst immediate improvement in your vision. Patients are quickly able to resume normal activities, including driving and working the next day. LASIK truly is a life-changing procedure.

    We are dedicated to helping you find a LASIK.com Network Surgeon committed to providing you with the highest standard of care and great results. Surgeon vetting, along with advanced laser technology and a personalize approach are a winning combination for patients. If you are considering taking the next step toward better vision, schedule your consultation with a LASIK.com Network Surgeon today. Your clearer future awaits!

    Check out real patient reactions immediately following their LASIK procedures with LASIK.com Network Surgeons

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