Descuento para amigos y familiares

Nos complace ofrecer a los amigos y familiares de la Red la posibilidad de experimentar los beneficios de la cirugía ocular LASIK, que cambian la vida, a un precio significativamente reducido. ¡Tu viaje hacia una visión más clara comienza aquí!

¿Por qué someterse a la moderna cirugía ocular LASIK?

¿Cómo reclamar tu oferta?

  • Programa tu consulta gratuita: Rellena el siguiente formulario para reservar tu consulta gratuita sobre LASIK. Nuestro equipo se pondrá en contacto contigo para confirmar tu cita.
  • Menciona tu descuento: Durante tu consulta, menciona que formas parte del Programa Amigos y Familia para recibir tu descuento.
  • Disfruta de una visión clara: Una vez confirmada tu idoneidad, puedes programar tu intervención y disfrutar de los beneficios de una visión nítida.

Reclama tu oferta y programa una consulta gratuita

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Por qué elegir la red

Su visión está en buenas manos con nuestra red LASIK de clase mundial

En tenemos una lista de comprobación de 6 factores que hemos verificado en nuestra red para que no tengas que dedicar tiempo a buscar una experiencia LASIK de 5 estrellas. Nuestra red confiable de LASIK se compromete a garantizar que usted pueda encontrar fácilmente algunos de los mejores cirujanos oculares con láser de los Estados Unidos.

  • Superior Experience

    Our network surgeons are board-certified, highly trained, and LASIK-focused providers.

  • Advanced Technology

    Our network surgeons use advanced and trusted laser eye surgery equipment with a focus on safety.

  • Customization Approach

    Our network surgeons are committed to individualized and customized 100% bladeless LASIK Eye Surgery. No «One-sized fit-all» approaches.

  • Lifetime Commitment

    Our network surgeons ensure a lifetime plan that is committed to your personalized LASIK vision journey (Restrictions Apply).

  • Community Trust

    Our network surgeons must be trusted members of the community with strong reviews and experience.

  • Physicians Trust

    Our network surgeons must have relationships and affiliations with local eyecare professionals.

¿Qué es la cirugía ocular Lasik?

El Procedimiento Electivo Más Popular del Mundo y Más de 20 Millones de Procedimientos en los Estados Unidos

La cirugía ocular LASIK, también conocida como «cirugía ocular láser», es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo y altamente eficaz que se utiliza para corregir errores refractivos en el ojo, como la miopía, la hipermetropía y el astigmatismo. La cirugía ocular LASIK produce una mejora significativa en la visión, lo que a menudo permite a los pacientes reducir o eliminar la necesidad de anteojos o lentes de contacto.

Mujer morena con una bonita sonrisa

Por qué elegir la red

Su visión está en buenas manos con nuestra red LASIK de clase mundial

En tenemos una lista de comprobación de 6 factores que hemos verificado en nuestra red para que no tengas que dedicar tiempo a buscar una experiencia LASIK de 5 estrellas. Nuestra red confiable de LASIK se compromete a garantizar que usted pueda encontrar fácilmente algunos de los mejores cirujanos oculares con láser de los Estados Unidos.

  • Superior Experience

    Our network surgeons are board-certified, highly trained, and LASIK-focused providers.

  • Advanced Technology

    Our network surgeons use advanced and trusted laser eye surgery equipment with a focus on safety.

  • Customization Approach

    Our network surgeons are committed to individualized and customized 100% bladeless LASIK Eye Surgery. No «One-sized fit-all» approaches.

  • Lifetime Commitment

    Our network surgeons ensure a lifetime plan that is committed to your personalized LASIK vision journey (Restrictions Apply).

  • Community Trust

    Our network surgeons must be trusted members of the community with strong reviews and experience.

  • Physicians Trust

    Our network surgeons must have relationships and affiliations with local eyecare professionals.

¿Dónde conseguir LASIK?

Explora la mayor y más fiable red de cirujanos oculares especialistas en LASIK de Estados Unidos. LASIK Cerca de Mí

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What People are Saying

The staff was simply amazing! I’m sure I took too much of their time with all my questions but they talked me through all my concerns and questions. The surgery was maybe 10 minutes and was talked through every step of the way through the procedure. Thank you to all of the staff. I would recommend them every time.
Sophia G. from in the last week

Sophia G.

in the last week

The results are great. Dr. Ellis explained everything as the procedure was happening. I could read the wall clock better than when I was in 5th grade, some 44 years ago. Before and after the procedure, Dr Gaines was very helpful and calming. If you want to find out if you’re a good candidate, Dr Gaines is the one to call. If you are a good candidate, this is the place to go.
Geoff B. from a week ago

Geoff B.

a week ago

I had been thinking about getting LASIK for about a year, but kept putting it off because I was scared of eye surgery. This year with some more research and more time, my significant other gifted me the surgery and provided support and encouragement all along the way. Every employee I talked with along the way from consultation to surgery was incredibly kind, patient, and answered questions I had and questions I didn’t think to…
Crystal G. from a month ago

Crystal G.

a month ago

The entire experience was beyond phenomenal! Everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming. I can’t explain how great the entire staff was to work with; from the initial over-the-phone consultation, the staff who performed my exam and explained the procedure and eye drop directions, all the way to the wonderful Gaines, OD and Ellis, MD! I cannot thank all of them enough for my new perfect vision! After glasses and contacts for more than 25 years,…
Michael S. from 2 months ago

Michael S.

2 months ago

I was very nervous to go on this journey. I researched this procedure for a few years. Finally when one of my colleagues shared with me her positive (life changing) experience-i decided to go in for the consultation. The office is very lax. I’m okay with that. The doctors I have seen and that did the procedure were very knowledgeable, friendly and made me feel quite comfortable. The actual procedure is very straightforward and quick.…
Darlene d. from 2 months ago

Darlene d.

2 months ago

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